Josef & Laura - Ice-skating Adventure - Holland Lake, Montana
The winters around here can be long. This year in particular we have gotten more snow pack then usual and have had some pretty insane low temperatures. Looking for places to ice-skate is not actually as easy as one might think, but when the snow piles up; a shovel definitely comes in handy. Josef and Laura are such a fun couple, have untouchable fashion, and are bringing back timeless love. And. . . this sunset. Josef was building the fire, when I turned around and could not resist photographing it. I have to tell you, as gorgeous as these sunset photos are, they don’t actually do it justice.
By the way, Holland Lake is one fine lake that is often overlooked. If you do decide to ice-skate on it, watch out for the springs. I don’t want to be responsible for giving people ideas that get them into trouble.
I truly believe it is so important as a couple to adventure together and keep having fun. Do you agree?